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10 Ways for SMEs To Strengthen Cybersecurity with Big Data

Cybersecurity has become a pressing concern for modern tech companies. These attacks aim at companies indiscriminately, no matter what the size is. The smaller ones are more susceptible to these kinds of threats.

The good news is that big data has become a very effective technology to help bolster cybersecurity. There are a lot of ways companies are using new advances in machine learning and other data technologies to mitigate the risks of cyberattacks.

Big Data is Offering a Number of New Options to Improve Online Defenses

It’s vital to incorporate cybersecurity in the security system of any company. Attackers target mostly small to medium companies because they don’t take enough preventive measures against cyberattacks. Also, these companies have significant vulnerabilities & attackers probe weak points to exploit them.

Once a company sustains a cyberattack, it costs them hefty amounts. Some even fail to get back on their feet, not to mention the reputation & loss of client perceptions.

That said, the below-mentioned points are pivotal to help you prevent such malicious threats with big data technology.

1. Encryption & Strong Back Up

In this modern age, the data breach is no longer alien to us. As industries depend on a tremendous amount of data – rendering, processing, sharing & formatting daily, they attract malicious attackers significantly. Also, losing these sensitive data can cost an organization dearly.

There are two factors to consider in preventing data breaches. The first is to limit physical access to sensitive data. Even if the data breach has occurred, you make sure those data become useless so that attackers/hackers can’t exploit the vulnerabilities. To do so, data encryption is a must.

Data encryption makes your data invisible by giving it some random texts or numbers. Thus, the primary identity of these data remains hidden.

Full disk encryption software is standard and by using this, you can ensure further security. However, updating this software continually & installing the security patches is necessary.

2. Form A Security-Focused Culture

To stop data breaches, make sure all the employees know their precautionary tasks. In most cases, the main reason for the cyberattacks is employee ignorance.

Most companies don’t offer any preventive training to their employees about cyberattacks.

Employees come to the workplace with their devices & use those for official purposes. Therefore, they are prone to make errors & attract hackers. Organizations should provide proper cybersecurity training. They can also hire organizations like CloudEnv to manage the environment variables and enhance security.

To prevent an insider data breach, companies should implement proper screening & restrict access.

3. Proper Institutional Proceedings

It’s fundamental to educate your staff & employees, to remain safe from cyberattacks. Insider breaches are becoming more common these days as hackers find it easy to hack the employees’ devices due to their lack of knowledge.

You may think banning the use of personal devices will solve the problem. It may help to some extent. But in the long run, your employees may grow frustrated because of the inconveniences. So, your priority should be to incorporate personal devices in the offices more securely.

Instead of limiting their use, enlighten them of the threats that come with the personal devices. You can advise them to keep two separate devices for official & personal uses.

4. Meticulous Audit

After educating the employees about cybersecurity & cyberattacks, your job is to test how they fare. That’s why doing regular audits is necessary. Assessing the security system used in the workplace will allow you to know whether there are any weaknesses or potential identity gaps.

5. Cybersecurity Insurance

Cybersecurity insurance can help you tremendously. It’s the same as traditional insurances. A data breach is never too light. It may cost you huge amounts. Besides, once you have sustained a breach, there’s more to do.

Repairing the databases is not enough. You need to replace all the old laptops, hardware, software, strengthen your defenses, etc. All the costs incurred with such approaches will be big. Therefore, being covered by cybersecurity insurance can aid you during these times.

6. Passwords or Passphrases?

We all need to use passwords on many occasions. However, remembering each of these passwords is difficult. Hence, most people ignorantly use the same password on multiple platforms. By doing so, they make them more vulnerable.

Encourage your employees not to use the same password twice. Also, you can use reliable auto password generator software to keep your data safe & encrypted.

Passphrases are more like passwords, except they contain 5-8 words, a riddle, some random words, or complex passwords of Uppercase, Lowercase words, Numbers, Signs, etc.

7. Limit Administrative Privileges

Limiting admin rights can be a viable option to minimize the risk of data breaches. If you restrict the access to only a few, no employee will be susceptible to insider breaches as they won’t have any info worth breaching.

For starters, you may change all the default passwords to new complex ones or use Passphrases. Also, limited admin access will ensure the safe installation of new software or accounts & most importantly; you will have firm control over everything.

8. Locking IP Address

Locking down your IP address and two-factor authentication is essential for your company’s safety & sensitive data. Whenever you migrate from a website host, make sure to lock the IP address you administer the site. Also, while hiring any third-party software or tools, enables the IP locking feature.

Locking the IP address will keep the foreign attackers at bay from accessing your customer relationship management (CRM) info.

9. VPN & Secured Hosting

First & foremost, never go for free hosting services. Always hire a trustworthy & reliable server for hosting your website. Free servers come with shared space & limited speed. If you deal with money transactions, you are at grave risk by depending on a free hosting server.

If possible, use virtual private networks (VPN). VPNs ensure you cybersecurity, hide your original IP, encrypt your data & keep the data secured.

10. Separate Network for Monetary Dealing

Always keep your billing network separate from the public network. Hackers hack monetary networks. They do so by sending phishing links, attachments through emails.

Big Data Technology is Leading to Major Breakthroughs in Online Security

Whatever the size of your company is, ensuring cybersecurity should be your top priority. Data breaches affect your customer image, loyalty more than the financial aspects.

The post 10 Ways for SMEs To Strengthen Cybersecurity with Big Data appeared first on SmartData Collective.

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