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Understanding Google’s AI SERP Algorithms is Key to Successful SEO Strategies

Google is one of the pioneers in modern artificial intelligence technology. The search engine giant is the parent company of over 200 other brands. Many of these companies have made major developments in AI.

However, Google’s most promising developments in the field of AI have centered around the technology it is most famous for – its search engine. The Google search engine is highly reliant on some of the most impressive AI algorithms in the world.

Google’s search engine uses some very sophisticated algorithms to help rank sites. Here are some ways that their novel AI technology has been central to the success of the search engine:

  • Google’s AI technology helps assess the relevance of a site for given content based on its general theme. Sites that specialize in focusing on a particular type of content will be perceived as being more authoritative. The AI algorithms are capable of drawing contextual connections between various concepts and types of content that are relevant to a specific niche.
  • AI helps Google evaluate keywords to determine the difference between relevant content and content rich with spam.
  • Google uses machine learning to track user searches and see what content they find most relevant to a particular query. They use this data to adjust their rankings. This has been the basis since the introduction of the Google Panda update.
  • Google uses geographic data to provide more relevant content to their users.

Getting traffic to your blog is really an easy task if you understand the role of AI in search engines and can follow effective SEO techniques and strategies based on these algorithms. No one can say that “This is the only way to get a huge amount of traffic” because there are numerous ways to bring traffic. However, every process needs some time to show the desired results. This article will discuss some of the crucial things that can help your blog or website rank better in Google search engines based on our knowledge of AI algorithms used in Google search.

Choose a Single Niche

Google’s AI algorithm has determined that niche sites tend to provide higher quality and more relevant content. Therefore, it is important to come up with a niche site.

First of all, it helps you target the right audience and allows you to choose different keywords of the same niche.

A good niche means the topic you like the most. So, find out your favorite topic and research it to cultivate great content.

Right Placement of Keywords

Google uses AI tools like Tensorflow to determine the relevance of content based on keyword usage. A deep understanding of their AI algorithms indicates that they focus on certain keyword placements more than others.

We write blog posts, then optimize the pages for search engine ranking, but we often forget to place keywords in the right places. To rank a keyword, you have to follow effective SEO Techniques and Strategies.

  1. Keyword in Url.
  2. Keywords in Page Titles.
  3. Keywords in Meta Description.
  4. Keywords in Headings.
  5. Keyword in ALT Tag.
  6. Keyword in Anchor Text.

Internal Linking is important

Google’s PageRank algorithm is one of the most sophisticated AI innovation in history. It assigns greater weight to sites that have a fairly large number or quality links. This includes internal links.

Internal Link Building means adding a link from one page of your blog or website to another. This has great SEO benefits, and it reduces the bounce rate. But it is advisable to link relevant content so that readers can get some useful resources.

Note: Spammy internal linking can get you penalized.

Use Correct Permalink structure

It is very important to set the correct permalink structure. Otherwise, it will be difficult for any search engine to crawl your website. Some points you should remember before choosing a permalink are as follows.

  1. It is important to include keywords in your permalink that describe your post or article.
  2. Do not use underscore “_.” Try to give the hyphen “-” instead.
  3. Know about breadcrumbs.
  4. Avoid creating long permalinks.
  5. Check out the Page Loading Speed

Slow page loading speed affects the user’s browsing experience.

According to a study, slow loading pages have around a 72% higher bounce rate than fast loading pages.

You will lose mobile viewers if your pages are slow.

The latest Google update focuses on user experience, so it is very important to optimize your pages.

Use Proper ALT tags

Google’s bots also use complex AI tools to crawl image data and use ALT tags to identify relevancy. Optimizing website images with proper keywords is very important for SEO. Use the image ALT tag wisely so that search engines can understand what element you are using. Not only ALT tags give your files a proper name.

Use proper H1-H6 tags

Google’s AI tools also assign greater weight to sites that are structured properly with keywords. H1 tag is certainly the most important tag for SEO because when search engine bots crawl your website, they look for heading tags, mostly H1 tags.

H1 tag is the most important tag among all. Use H1 Tag once on your web page.

H2 tag is the 2nd most important tag, and you can use it multiple times. If you have more keywords, then you can use H3 tags.

Meta Tags

The meta tag is most important to rank a website on search engines. All webmasters should use proper meta tags with correct keywords and the right length to fulfill the search engine’s requirement.

Google understand tags accordingly:

Meta title: <title>The Title of the Page</title>

Meta description: <meta name=”description” content=”A description of the page” />

<meta name=”robots” content=”…, …” />

<meta http-equiv=”Content-Type” content=”…; charset=…” />

Check Index status is a Webmaster Tool

It is always recommended to keep an eye on Google Webmaster because it shows so much useful information about your website’s performance.

To make your website error-free and to implement effective SEO techniques and strategies, you have to check these options in the Webmaster tool.

  • Crawl Errors
  • HTML Improvements
  • Robots
  • Sitemaps
  • Links to your site etc.

Check Mobile-friendliness

Earlier in this blog, I have mentioned that user experience is an important factor in ranking a website now. So you have to break the traditional styling of the website for desktop users and concentrate on mobile usability. Use tools like:

  • Mobile-Friendly Test – Google Search Console
  • Seocentro
  • GTmatrix etc

Long content

Writelong and descriptive content that adds value to the topic you are sharing. You can write 500 words articles, but if you can manage to write an article containing 1500 words, that really helps you boost your blog post.

An Understanding of AI is the Key to Successful SEO

A good SEO strategy can help boost your website’s appearance in search results. Use the tips mentioned in this article to ensure you take proper SEO steps for your website.

However, if you are from New Zealand and feel that SEO is overwhelming for you, then you can search for SEO agency in Google. You will get several competent SEO agencies who can take care of your website’s SEO tasks.

Tagline: Successful SEO strategies must be conceived with a detailed understanding of the AI algorithms that Google uses in assigning SERPs.

The post Understanding Google’s AI SERP Algorithms is Key to Successful SEO Strategies appeared first on SmartData Collective.

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