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How is Mobile Intelligence Reshaping the Marketing Industry?

Why mobile apps are now invincible parts and parcels of digital marketing strategy for brands worldwide, artificial intelligence (AI) continues to make unprecedented valuable contributions to help brands achieve their goals. The power of AI-powered mobile apps in digital marketing seems to have a far-reaching impact.

AI as technology continues to evolve and get better along with mobile apps. While mobile app user experience remains to be the quintessential aspect of modern branding and marketing exercises, AI is only helping these exercises to be more personalized and user-centric. No wonder any leading mobile app development company now relies on artificial intelligence to sharpen their mobile app marketing strategies.

Let us explain below some of the most effective ways AI-powered mobile apps are transforming digital marketing.

Creating User-Focused and Context-Aware Content

Just think of the era when artificial intelligence was not available to marketers. They needed to go through a lot of guesswork in deciphering the meaning of data. The data-driven insights about the target audience could only become possible thanks to advanced data analytics and artificial intelligence. Among the standard tips for successful mobile app marketing, it is always advised to create the right content for the right audience and at the right time. This is where AI can be tremendously helpful.

By understanding customer behavior data, trends, and patterns, the intelligent and robust AI-powered tool helps create truly personalized and target-specific content that is more likely to drive business conversion. The whole idea of personalized user experience became easier thanks to AI-powered mobile apps. As far as timing and context are concerned, digital marketers now can ensure tailored message sending schedules as per the daily routine and activities of different user groups.

Intelligent AI-Powered Chatbots

Chatbots or interactive software programs could earlier only communicate based on fixed rules. They were like the binary logic ruling course of actions before the much broader scope of fuzzy logic opened up many options between two opposite poles. Chatbots were used in websites and mobile apps for carrying out a whole array of tasks such as order processing, flight and hotel booking, personal finance management, appointment scheduling, and many more.

But the real potential of chatbots in the context of mobile apps was first realized after artificial intelligence (AI) technology penetrated the mobile apps. For the first time, the AI-powered chatbots helped marketers with automated business communication without missing user-focused personalization opportunities.

By utilizing AI bots and messaging apps, brands can easily reach out to a wider audience. Thousands of intelligent chatbots are already used by marketers across popular platforms such as Facebook Messenger, Instagram, and WhatsApp.

Unlike the earlier generation rule-based chatbots, intelligent chatbots, by going deeper into customer communication and interactions, can drastically reduce the customer support costs as most of the issues can be handled by the bots without requiring any human involvement. Only some highly complicated issues need to be flagged off for human support. The biggest impact intelligent chatbots can make is through personalized recommendations based on specific user insights.

Ensuring Revenue Growth Through Dynamic Pricing

Artificial intelligence (AI) also helps enterprises achieve higher revenue growth by setting dynamic pricing based on market conditions, expected sales volume, and the customer willingness or affordability range. As data-driven insights processed by AI technology continuously help apps about the right and effective product pricing that can ensure more business conversion and sales, this pushes business growth.

The AI technology also helps understand the precise timing and context when discounts can be more effective to push sales and contexts when discounts are less likely to impact sales. This helps marketers to decide to offer a discount when it really can convert sales.

Doing Away with Biased Notions

Irrespective of the analytical power, human beings happen to be more emotional and inclined to certain personal preferences and choices that can, in the end, can also influence their logical choices. Such human biases are held accountable for less efficient and effective decision-making.

The AI-based data-driven decision-making can help us do away with such biased decisions leading to errors. Machine-led intelligence has been proved to be more efficient in drawing precise data-driven insights to shape effective business decisions.

Creating Real-Time User Personas

User personas are created to characterize the mobile app users with specific characteristics that really matter for pushing engagement and business conversion. While earlier creating static user personas was the norm for the digital marketing manoeuvres, now more dynamic and real-time user persona creation has become more common.

Since the app world and its users continue to overlap beyond the static demographic and preference segments, the change of contexts, people and priorities now can be addressed better with dynamic and real-time user personas. Such real-time personas going beyond the rough and gross guidelines characterizing users incorporates many details and layers that can impact the way marketers can target users.

Data-Driven Targeting with Ads

AI helps mobile marketers create more personalized and target specific marketing messages based on customer behavior trends and patterns. The insights corresponding to customer preferences grasped by AI technology can also help marketers schedule messaging when they are most effective.

Just the way customer demographics, purchasing intent, usual preferences, social and online behavior, and location determine personalized recommendations, the ads can also be highly personalized or segmented based on these factors.


Apart from all the benefits that we have mentioned above, AI can also automate the mobile marketing process, making the lives of users a lot easier. Since AI primarily draws its power of precision through data-driven analytics, AI-powered marketing seldom goes wrong. In the years to come, AI will continue to help mobile apps in reshaping marketing efforts.

The post How is Mobile Intelligence Reshaping the Marketing Industry? appeared first on SmartData Collective.

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