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Baby Giraffe Discovers Her Shadow For Very First Time

A little giraffe calf who lives at the Monarto Safari Park in South Australia quite adorably discovered her own shadow for the very first time as she stood outside in the sun. The giraffe’s keeper Mark Mills and other onlookers were quite amused to watch this wonderfully heartwarming event.

She’s seeing her shadow. How cute. Do you like your shadow? Is it your friend?

This little giraffe has had a tough time of it since her birth in early May 2021 as her mother rejected her. Despite the bonding setbacks, the team at the park has come together to help this little girl thrive.

In early May a giraffe calf was born to mum Korongo. Unfortunately, things didn’t work out between mum and bub, with keepers not seeing any feeding between the pair and deciding to step in to help. We are delighted to say that keepers are now successfully bottle-feeding the youngster and even though it’s still early days things are looking positive. So good in fact, that the 2.5 week old calf was spotted taking time out from bottle feeding to check out her shadow!

via Boing Boing

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