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That high pitched noise you are hearing on your Windows 10 devices? It is a bug!

Microsoft confirmed a new issue that is affecting the company's Windows 10 operating system. According to the report, users may hear a high pitched noise when they are using 5.1 audio with specific settings.

Microsoft confirmed the issue yesterday for Windows 10 version 2004 and Windows 10 version 20H2. Both issues are listed as known issues on the health dashboards of the two versions of the operating system.

The summary is identical for both versions of Windows 10 that are affected by the issue.

A high-pitched noise might be heard when using 5.1 audio with certain settings
Certain combinations of apps, audio devices and Windows settings might produce a high-pitched noise when using 5.1 audio.

The issue occurs in KB5000842 and later cumulative updates released for the operating system according to Microsoft. The company released KB5000842 on March 29, 2021 as a preview update. Two stable cumulative updates were released on April 13, 2021 and May 11, 2021 with the Knowledgebase IDs KB5001330 and KB5003173. The last update affected by the issue is the preview update KB5001391, which Microsoft released on April 28, 2021.

enable spatial sound

Microsoft suggests the following two workarounds to address the issue on affected systems:

  1. Users should try and use a different application if possible, e.g. a different web browser or application to stream the video or audio on the device.
  2. Enabling Spatial sound, e.g. by right-clicking on the volume icon in the notification area, hovering the mouse over Spatial sounds (off) and selecting any of the options listed there except for off.

The first workaround may not be applicable in all cases, e.g. when a specific app or site needs to be used to stream the video or audio content. The second workaround may be suitable, at least as a temporary workaround until the issue is fixed by Microsoft.

Microsoft engineers are working a resolution and plan to release a fix in "an upcoming release". Whether it will be fixed in the upcoming preview update for Windows 10 version 2004 and Windows 10 version 20H2, or in a later update, is unclear at this point.

Now You: Did you encounter issues recently when installing Windows Updates?

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