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Why Local SEO Marketers Need an Extensive Understanding of Analytics

Analytics has helped change the SEO profession in unbelievable ways. Countless SEO professionals have discovered its usefulness in recent years.

Analytics has been especially important in the arena of online commerce. Online businesses need to reach large amounts of customers all over the world, which means that they have massive data sets on their customers. This allows them to come up with highly intricate analytics driven strategies to reach users more effectively.

However, local SEO professionals can also use analytics to optimize their strategies. In fact, analytics can be even more important for local SEO professionals for a variety of reasons.

Analytics is Particularly Important for Local SEO Strategies

Data-driven SEO strategies are becoming more important than ever. Savvy SEO professionals know how to use data effectively.

With the changing world of work and new opportunities brought about through necessity, it is possible to hire an SEO specialist from anywhere on earth. A local SEO specialist, however, is likely to be the right choice for your company if community is high on the list of priorities. In addition to being local, they should also be familiar with the concepts of analytics.

A local SEO specialist that is also an expert in analytics will have insider knowledge of your area and perhaps even the slang or dialect used; they will know of any regulations or laws; and they will be able to apply any local quirks to your content. Hire a fantastic local SEO specialist to win the respect and recognition of customers in your area.

Here are some reasons it is a good idea to work with a local SEO professional that has extensive knowledge about data analytics.

It is easier to conceptualize localized data with an understanding of the local community

Data can help SEO professionals in a lot of ways. However, SEO professionals outside your area may lack context when it comes to understanding the data that they are assessing. This is why it is a good idea to work with an SEO expert that understands your area and analytics technology.

It may be tempting to hire the SEO specialist in your state, or even in North America, if you have access to them now that we are all working more flexibly. Remembering that the value you can offer to your community is in what you give them, and showing that you know the area, know the people, and know what’s important to them is likely to be worth a great deal more than all the fancy qualifications a leading national SEO specialist can produce.

Someone who is a part of your local area will know which references work and which don’t: they may be able to build in natural backlinks to sports team loyalties, or to a particular cult sandwich. They will know how to help your business build brand awareness and recognition, which leads to trust. Customers are more likely to choose a local independent business than a national or international chain if they feel that they can see a connection to their own lives.

A local SEO specialist will not be guessing at patterns of speech or important landmarks, and this will mean that the copy that goes up on your website is appropriate and useful. SEO is all about where your website ranks on Google and Bing searches, but the content needs to be cohesive as well. Content stuffed with SEO keywords and backlinks doesn’t read naturally. It’s much more useful to optimize your website to suit searches for your local area, whether that’s state, city or town.

Analytics SEO strategies need to align with local regulations

Data analytics knowledge can only be so useful to companies if they aren’t familiar with local regulations. You don’t want to run afowl of local regulators.

There are sometimes legalities that apply to website content and what can be linked or referenced. Having someone on your team who knows the ins and outs of all that is required by law will be much more useful than having someone on board who is guessing, or applying the wrong set of sensibilities to your content.

This is a good guideline for most work that needs to be done: the specialist in your area should be more up to date on what is required than a well-meaning specialist in another country. They will also be in the know about using music, creating other forms of content, and where to try to build backlinks for natural, organic SEO.

An SEO specialist will also be aware of the best ways to drill down when it comes to searching online. They should have the experience of using analytics and statistics to navigate optimising your online presence so that you appear in the most relevant searches.

Making sure that your company is the top result only for the specific searches that will convert to sales is a real skill. There’s a knack to it, and it’s worth finding the local SEO specialist who can do this for you, as it’s the best way to utilise your resources including time, effort and money spent.

Explanations of analytics can be better communicated in person

A wonderful benefit of hiring a local SEO specialist is that you should be able to meet them in person. Of course, there’s no requirement for this to be the case, as we are all happy and comfortable using video calls to hold regular meetings, but it is often pleasant to meet the people we’re working closely with face-to-face.

There may be some value in meeting an SEO specialist for a chat, especially if your company sells niche services or software. Making sure that the person you hire understands it is vital.

More than anything else, meeting an SEO specialist in person is a great way to get a feel for what it would be like to work with them. By having a coffee and making an in-person connection, you’ll get to see if they are the right hire for your business.

Local SEO Professionals Need to Have a Detailed Understanding of Analytics

There are many reasons why you may want to hire a local SEO specialist with expertise in data analytics to work with your company. The benefits are many: local knowledge, references that will strike a chord with your audience, understanding of any local laws or regulations when it comes to SEO and content creation. If they understand data analytics as well, they can also put everything into perspective and optimize your organic search marketing campaign for your local audience.

But the biggest reason to hire a local SEO specialist is that you will be able to meet them in person and see if they’re the right fit for your work. That’s value you can’t get any other way.

The post Why Local SEO Marketers Need an Extensive Understanding of Analytics appeared first on SmartData Collective.

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