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A Herd of Wild Elephants Take a Well Deserved Nap After Trekking 500 Miles Across Southwest China

A herd of 15 wild elephants decided to take a much-needed nap on a comfy clearing inside a local forest outside Kunming City, the capital of southwest China’s Yunnan Province. The tired pachyderms are on a 500 mile trek across China, however severe rainstorms and swollen rivers have impeded their collective journey. Each of the 15 adults was soundly sleeping while a very young calf fidgeted around a bit.

Restless Baby Elephant
Because the elephants can’t make their traditional migration across, China has employed drones to keep overhead eyes on the herd and State TV is keeping track. .

Images of the herd of 15 Asian elephants walking through a residential area appeared on social media and sparked intense media interest. Chinese authorities dispatched a task force to track them. State TV has spent days following their every footstep.

This herd is among several who are affected by the surging rivers.

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