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Guidelines for Writing Stellar Research Papers While Utilizing Big Data

An essential tool for grading college students is their research papers. It is, therefore, necessary that all college students learn the correct ways to write papers, especially as these papers account for a sizeable part of their grades. So, learning or failing to learn how to write these papers would significantly impact your grades.

It’s also necessary to state that there are several types of college papers, and there are different ways to write each of them. Knowing the differences between these types of paper and how to write each one is the first tip to successfully write college papers. Incorrectly writing a paper could lead to poor grades and the potential of failing a class.

One of such research paper types that college students may have to write is a research paper on big data. If you have to write a research paper on big data as a college student, the first thing to note is that it’s not something you’re familiar about if you don’t major in data science or computer science. It is also a very distinct type of college research paper topic. It has a different writing method, which you must be familiar with to write one successfully. 

You must include several tips when you are writing a big data research paper as a college student. Some of these tips have been compiled by authors at a dissertation writing help and made into this article to help you succeed at your big data research paper writing.

1. Get reliable big data.

The first thing to do is to gather your big data from reliable sources. In some cases, your research paper may be about an experiment that you are carrying out. In other cases, it requires some research from you to find and use sources of big data. If the latter is your case, you must get your data sets from a reliable source. Check out studies from a medical or scientific journal. Make sure that you don’t use websites with the .net or .com ending. Research the author whose work you will be using, if need be, to confirm their credibility. Check out their educational background and how long they’ve been in that field, etc.

2. Use tables and charts to display your big data.

You have to check the guidelines that your professor or lecturer gives you to confirm that you can use tables and charts in your paper. In most cases, they’re allowed, and they’re necessary. Tables and charts are the best way to show the big data that you’re writing on. They’re there to give the readers a better understanding of the research results and the paper as a whole. If you don’t add these visual aids, it may be impossible for readers, even your professor, to conceptualize the idea you’re passing across. There are cases where your lecturer wants a particular number of tables and charts, so you must stick to that.

3. Insert the tables and charts correctly.

It’s one thing to add the tables and charts, but it’s different to do it the right way. If you include these charts, then your professor may prefer that you create them by yourself. Programs like Microsoft Excel will help out. Make sure that your tables and charts have titles, table body, and column titles. If you miss information, you wouldn’t be presenting accurate data, which is a potential problem. Get your friends to check out your chart and make sure it’s readable and understandable. This will help you notice missing labels quickly, and that’s important.

4. Start your research early. 

You’re writing a research paper, so you have a lot of research to do. The earlier you start, the more effective your paper will be. Before you write anything, start researching first, and do your research extensively about the topic. If it’s something that you can’t do or there isn’t enough research on that topic, it’s easier to change it early rather than later. Start your research as soon as you have your topic. It makes it easier and more convenient for you in the long run.

5. Start surveying and interviewing people early.

You may create a survey for your research and need a specific number of responses. To achieve your goal, you must start very early. If you’re going to interview people, you must also ensure that you do that early as well. This will give you the flexibility to reschedule if the need arises. If you start late or wait too long, then you may be stuck with insufficient big data for your research paper. Starting early also helps you to determine how your data is shaping up early, so you begin to brainstorm for the research project as more of your big data comes in.

6. Take your readers along with you.

If you had an experiment or created a survey, you should tell your readers how it happened. Do this, along with other data that you’re presenting in your research paper. Provide background information to your readers about how you got the data. Take them through the process. If you can, provide the link between the processes and the big data to help their understanding, and provide examples throughout your big data research paper. This will make your paper more readable and understandable to all the readers.

7. Provide evidence for results

For every result that you mention in the big data research paper you’re writing, make sure to provide evidence for it. If you’re just saying that something happened, there’s no way for the readers to verify that it truly happened. That’s why you must provide evidence to back the results that you’re presenting. With this, your readers will have a better understanding of your research, how you did it, and the result that you’re offering. Making them understand the research process and the results, backed with evidence, makes your work better. 


Of all research papers that you’ll work on as a college student, a big data research paper is likely going to be one of the most important. So, you must be effective and efficient with it. So, make sure that you have enough big data. It’s also beneficial that you start working on your research very early.

The post Guidelines for Writing Stellar Research Papers While Utilizing Big Data appeared first on SmartData Collective.

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