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Using Data Analytics to Build Dedicated Project Teams: Steps to Success

Data analytics is the backbone in many modern organizations. Companies need to analyze data to optimize their business models in a variety of ways. They have found that big data has changed their business models in countless ways.

One of the biggest applications of data analytics has been through the development and organization of dedicated teams. This has been even more important during the pandemic, but this data-driven approach to business management will continue long after the pandemic subsides.

Data Analytics Can Be Invaluable for Creating Dedicated Team Models

In the harsh times of COVID-19, the dedicated team model has become one of the most popular models, allowing businesses around the world to expand their teams. It’s cost-effective and flexible, and you can benefit from hiring top-level talents that will be dedicated to your project only. You can use data analytics technology to improve the outcomes of various team models considerably.

But how do you start hiring dedicated project teams, and are there any rules to follow when it comes to that matter? Let’s take a closer look and find out right now.

What Is a Dedicated Team Model?

A dedicated team model means that a business or company cooperates with a service provider (a vendor) to hire a team of tech experts to develop software. The model’s hallmark lies in its name – your project team will be exclusively dedicated to your project.

What Role Can Data Analytics Play in the Formation of Dedicated Teams

There are a ton of great advantages of using data analytics to facilitate the development of dedicated teams. These benefits include:

  • Improving training. Data analytics has proven to be very useful for training members of your teams.
  • Maximizing employee utility. Data analytics also makes it easier to get the most value out of your employees. You can look at various metrics to see which employees are most effective at various tasks and make data-driven decisions on hiring.
  • Monitoring benchmarks. There are a number of objectives that all teams need to meet. Data analytics makes it a lot easier to keep track of these goals and ensure that they are met.

A growing number of data-driven organizations are developing dedicated teams. They are using data analytics to get the most out of their workers.

Main Advantages of a Dedicated Project Team

The global outsourcing market reached 92.5 billion U.S. dollars in 2019, accounting for more than 10% of the entire IT market. In 2020, 41% of businesses outsourced software development, and that number keeps growing in 2021. There isn’t a single company that hasn’t considered the outsourcing team model. So, what are the benefits, you may ask?

1. Easy Recruiting

The main benefit of recruiting dedicated teams for your project is that you can assemble the teams according to your requirement. And while acquiring IT specialists may be time-consuming, hiring dedicated project teams will save you time, money, and even business resources while providing you with the talented team you need to create a successful product.

2. Access to the Best Specialists

You may easily find the top talents and choose people who share the values and goals of your project. Furthermore, you’re not limited whatsoever by the specialist’s location, which expands your ability to build a successful project team.

3. Cost-Efficiency

The outsourcing model aims to reduce administrative, retention, and recruitment expenses. Since most professionals are located in a cost-efficient region, the outsourcing model allows businesses to reduce their costs to at least 60%.

4. Flexible Projects

Because the employees are hired for specific projects, they can be easily released as soon as they finish the job. However, they can also stay with your business longer to maintain the post-production or switch to another project of yours.

Dedicated Project Team Structure

Before getting into details of the hiring process, it’s necessary to have a clear vision of what kind of specialists your project may require.

  • Project manager. If you don’t have an in-house project manager or your project manager isn’t coping well with the amount of work, you can get a professional who will deal with the entire project and its software development process.
  • UI/UX designer. These employees will focus on the visual appearance of the end product, its consistency, shapes, colors, and other aspects.
  • Front-end + back-end (or full-stack). If your project is small, you may hire a full-stack developer. However, it’s more rational and efficient to hire separate engineers. The front-end developer will be responsible for the interface, while the back-end engineer will be in charge of the APIs, data store, and server-side elements.
  • QA engineer. They are responsible for the quality of your finished product and make sure it’s flawless and bug-free.
  • DevOps engineer. They combine development and operation, providing monitoring, testing and automation to improve the quality of the production code and the end product.
  • Business analyst. They are a link between the IT and the business side of your project. Their primary job is to evaluate the processes, identify requirements, submit data, and report to the stakeholders.

Process of Building Dedicated Project Teams

If a client has a brilliant project idea, all they need is to find the perfect dedicated team that will commit to the project’s success.

While it may sound complicated, the process of hiring a dedicated team is pretty straightforward if you have a clear vision of the project requirements and your business development strategy. The client needs to provide the vendor with the company’s goal, timeline, and a short resume of the project, as well as specify the skills required for the dedicated project teams.

Based on this information, the supplier will provide all of the project team members or one developer per the client’s requirements. Then, the provider will issue the pricing system for the teams’ salaries and the provider’s fee for the hiring period.

Manage Your Dedicated Project Teams

Once you’re all set with your project team, here comes the final stage – your goal is to set up the work operations, as well as determine control methods in your collaboration. Make sure to treat your dedicated project team the same way you’d treat your in-house team.


Communication is the key factor for integrating the remote team into the company’s everyday life. For example, you can use video chats, daily meetings, messengers, discussions, or other methods to stay connected and build positive relations.


In addition to communication, reports can be a great idea to see the progress of your project team. They can be daily, weekly, monthly, or even quarterly with the details about performed tasks, problems, solutions, and strategic plans. Additionally, the project manager can share feedback on these reports in order to motivate the team and help them improve their skills.


A KPI (key performance indicator) system can allow you to see the dedicated project team’s results and help motivate the employees to become better. However, make sure the KPI system is transparent and well-defined to avoid misunderstandings.

Data Analytics is the Foundation of Any Solid Dedicated Team

Today, all of the tech-leading giants and new IT startups delegate the hiring of dedicated project teams to third parties. Data analytics is helping them considerably. The outsourcing model encompasses the full range of tech specialists and allows companies to bring in the best talent to work on their projects. By recruiting dedicated project teams with great data analytics capabilities, the business can benefit from time and resource savings, the flexibility of workflow, and cost-efficiency.

Whether you’re starting your project in applications development, web development, or digital marketing, you should have no qualms about implementing the dedicated team model in order to find a professional and effective project team.

The post Using Data Analytics to Build Dedicated Project Teams: Steps to Success appeared first on SmartData Collective.

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