Aerial cinematographer Douglas Thron, who previously captured heartbreaking aerial footage of a postal worker delivering mail to a Santa Rosa neighborhood decimated by fire and documented a man rescuing a cat trapped underneath the rubble of the Camp Fire in California, has continued with his compassionate work by equiping his drone with infrared thermal technology in order to help locate and rescue animals after a natural disaster. This work has sadly taken Thron all over the United States and the world but luckily he has been able to make a difference in the lives he’s saved.
It was during the filming for various tv shows that he pioneered the idea to start using infrared drones with zoom lens and spotlights for animal rescues. He has used his cutting-edge infrared drone all over the world to save animals and pets after fires, floods, and hurricanes.
Drones are key to finding animals before it’s too late. With specialized infrared drones, Douglas will be able to find animals hidden in mountains of debris.
The dog whom Thron rescued during the hurricane in Marsh Harbour Abacos, Bahamas is now living the good life in Richmond, California.
I’m a Royal Bahamian Potcake rescued from Abaco after Hurricane Dorian. Now my sidekick Misty Kitty and I go on new adventures
Thron’s work has been so widely praised that he now has a series on Curiosity Stream aptly named Doug to the Rescue.
From the front lines of Australian bushfires to coastal towns leveled by hurricanes, drone pilot Doug Thron uses next-gen technology rigged for his unique mission to rescue pets and wildlife stranded in the aftermath of a natural disaster.
Donations to help Thron continue his benevolent work can be made through his GoFundMe page.
I am creating this GoFundMe page as a means to fund my rescue work and turn saving animals into my full-time job. I have always been frugal by nature, sleeping out in nature when I am traveling and eating homemade tuna wraps for most meals, but the costs of my work add up. The money you donate will help cover the prohibitively high costs of my infrared drone equipment, all travel expenses – gas, car maintenance, flights to disaster areas around the world, as well as all costs necessary to ensure that the animals I rescue receive the veterinary care and rehabilitation that they need.
Thanks Char Rohrer!
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The post Compassionate Man Uses a Drone With a Thermal Camera to Find and Rescue Animals In Disaster Areas first appeared on Laughing Squid.
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