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Demand for Data-Savvy Cybersecurity Professionals Grows In 2021

Big data is becoming increasingly important in the cybersecurity profession. A number of IT security professionals are using big data and AI technology to create more robust cybersecurity solutions.

As cybersecurity threats become more serious, the demand for data-savvy cybersecurity experts will continue to rise. This figure has already surged in 2021.

Data-Driven Cybersecurity Services Are Becoming Far More Important

Security breaches are becoming far more common these days. There were an estimated 1,001 security breaches in 2020, which compromised the data of nearly 156 million people.

More companies are coming to terms with the severity of these data breaches. They are looking to hire security experts that are knowledgeable about big data and AI defenses to thwart these attacks.

This can be good news for unemployed cybersecurity professionals. In times of economic uncertainty like the ones we’re experiencing right now, finding a job can prove a lot more difficult than it would be normally. The recent economic decline has affected many areas of activity, leading to a spike in unemployment rates. At the moment, a great number of people are struggling to jump back into the job market and start anew. 

However, not all industries were impacted the same way and the effects of the economic decline were not felt to the same extent across all sectors. In fact, certain professions were completely spared of the negative impacts of the recession, and cybersecurity seems to be one of them. 

2021 is a good year for cybersecurity experts that understand big data

Recent data shows that those who are currently working in cybersecurity or want to start a career in this field have no reasons to worry. The demand for skilled cybersecurity professionals that has been on the rise for the past few years remains high in 2021 and it will probably continue on this positive trend in the coming years. 

Figures are pretty revealing in this respect. The number of professionals working in cybersecurity has surpassed 3 million in 2020 and we saw a decrease in the global cyber workforce gap as more professionals have joined the field. With an average salary that can reach up to $50 per hour, it’s no wonder there’s such a high interest in entering the cybersecurity field, especially among those that are familiar with AI and big data technology in the arena of cybersecurity.

As both organizations and individuals rely more and more on technology and its applications to run their activities and perform daily tasks, security concerns have taken center stage. People want to feel safe while using their smart devices, while companies of all sizes are going to great lengths to keep potential threats at bay and ensure the safety of their data. This means all industries and businesses place a great deal of importance on finding skilled individuals that can help them tackle cybersecurity issues, leading to a high demand for talented cybersecurity professionals. 

The fact that there are more entry-level cybersecurity jobs on the market also made it easier for aspiring professionals to break into the field. Cybersecurity positions are not limited to security specialists. There’s a large number of other jobs in this area that don’t require years of experience or a traditional four-year college degree. The possibility to acquire the necessary knowledge through alternative methods such as online courses and lower barriers to entry have brought their contribution to the rapid development of the cybersecurity industry. 

With the cybersecurity workforce growing worldwide, there’s no denying that the job outlook for cybersecurity professionals is more promising than ever before. Even though mid-to-senior level positions are more difficult to secure, a career in cybersecurity remains a good option for those who want to join a thriving industry. 

New challenges translate into new opportunities for data-savvy cybersecurity experts

Looking at all the shifts that the global workforce has gone through recently, the single most notable change remains the large-scale adoption of remote work. There’s no denying that this trend has brought many benefits for both employers and employees, but it also came with a number of challenges that a lot of companies weren’t ready to handle. 

One of these challenges is related to cybersecurity. Many businesses adopted the remote work model without building a solid infrastructure for it, thus making them easy targets for cyber criminals. As cyber-attacks such as ransomware, phishing, or IoT-based attacks are becoming more common, businesses have to find ways to protect themselves against these threats. Every day we hear on the news about how X company suffered a data breach or how cybercriminals managed to get into an organization’s system, causing significant damage. 

What turned into a struggle for businesses and organizations in all industries became an opportunity for information security professionals with a background in big data technology to put their skills to good use. Every company out there, no matter how big or small, needs to prioritize cybersecurity, so the demand for capable pros in the field is only going to increase in the future.  

Most in-demand cybersecurity jobs at the moment

As we mentioned previously, there are different roles that professionals working in cybersecurity can fulfill, so individuals have the option to choose the specialization that suits them best. However, one has to take into account that different cybersecurity jobs provide different employment opportunities. So, let’s see what are the most in-demand cybersecurity jobs currently. 

Cybersecurity Engineer

Cybersecurity engineer is without a doubt the most in-demand job in the cybersecurity environment. The job of a cybersecurity engineer is to come up with and implement cybersecurity solutions in different settings. 

Working as a cybersecurity engineer implies having both a proactive and a reactive approach, as these professionals have to think up solutions before the problems arise and adapt along the way, but they also have to find ways to manage and minimize damages after a cyber-attack

Cybersecurity Analyst

Just as the title implies, cybersecurity analysts are in charge of analyzing security policies and protocols for their organization to prevent issues from happening in the first place. They have to have a good understanding of the company’s IT infrastructure and monitor it closely so they can find potential weaknesses and fix them in due time in order to keep potential threats at bay. 

Cybersecurity Consultant

Not sure what to do in order to improve security infrastructure in your company? A cybersecurity consultant surely will. They have a thorough understanding of how cybercriminals operate, so they can come up with the best strategies to eliminate vulnerabilities and strengthen the system against potential attacks.   

Cybersecurity Manager

A cybersecurity manager can wear different hats, depending on the type and size of the company he works for. But their general responsibilities focus on overseeing all cybersecurity tasks and managing cybersecurity infrastructure in their organization.  

As the cybersecurity landscape continues to evolve, we’ll probably see a greater variety of roles emerging in the future and an even higher demand for skilled and talented professionals in the field.

The post Demand for Data-Savvy Cybersecurity Professionals Grows In 2021 appeared first on SmartData Collective.

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