Seasoned Projections created a wonderfully hyperrealistic projection-mapped Ghostbusters light show featuring the characters, scenes, and quotes from the original film. The show, which was projected onto their Southern California home, was made specifically for Halloween 2021.
Who ya gonna call?! 2021 Halloween Projection Mapping of the Ghostbusters. Ray, Egon, Peter, and Winston save the day yet again. Set to the original Ghostbusters theme with some bad boys music thrown in…they finally get Slimer! Appearances by Vigo, Dana, Demon Dogs, and much more.
The person behind this incredible show explained to a commenter how the show was mapped.
I mapped (drew) my house lines at a specific angle viewing the house. The mapping looks best when facing the house looking straight on of the main garage or at an angle facing where the entry archway and small garage meet. This gives you the full mapping (including the small garage) at a glance and looks great.
via Miss Cellania
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