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5 Important Ways to Use AI in Video Marketing Campaigns

AI technology has become invaluable to the marketing profession. One survey conducted in 2020 found that 84% of marketers use AI in some capacity.

There are many powerful benefits of AI. One of the biggest is that marketers can use AI to create stellar video marketing campaigns.

But how do you incorporate AI into your video marketing strategy? Keep reading to learn more.

Use AI to Make the Most of Your Video Marketing Strategy

People today are more interested in knowing “how is this brand selling” rather than asking “what is it selling?

This essentially means–that, most current marketing campaigns focus on telling a story and persuading users into buying their services. Emotional marketing has been an age-old method to market a business and it continues to prevail even with digital marketing in place. Brands today are able to reach a wider audience and are constantly looking for better ways to tell their story.

AI technology has made it easier than ever for brands to improve their marketing strategies with storytelling. Of course, machine learning algorithms aren’t able to understand the content of stories the same way that humans can. However, they are able to optimize storytelling campaigns in important ways.

One of the best ways for brands to improve their digital marketing strategies with AI is through video marketing. With the increase in content consumption and decrease in attention span, what better way than market your business through videos? 86% of businesses use video as a marketing tool. This says why creating an efficient video marketing campaign is so crucial.

After all, you want to persuade viewers into eventually purchasing your product, right? Why not use AI to streamline your video marketing campaign and create higher quality content?

Well, if you are an aspiring video marketer or if you still find yourself in a tough spot when it comes to video marketing, then this article is for you. We have listed five essential points to not miss while creating a video marketing campaign. 

5 great ways to use AI in video marketing campaigns

The main purpose of video marketing is to increase engagement through various social media channels through educating your customers and finding new ways to reach a wider audience. You should use AI to improve your video marketing campaigns by following these steps. 

Use AI to create a great video title

People who turn into customers are usually the ones who resonate with your brand story. For that to happen, a viewer should at least be able to grasp what the video will be about from the title. Now, a good video title should have two things:

  • It should give an idea to the viewer of what the video could be about
  • It should be SEO-friendly

Needless to say, posting quality content is extremely important. However, do not forget to write SEO-friendly titles, descriptions, and subtitles. You can automatically add subtitles to your video through online subtitle generators available. A quality video is one that has good content created by following the best SEO practices.

If your video is SEO friendly, it will win you backlinks, earn traffic and increase conversion rates. 

You can use AI to create higher quality titles for your videos. This post from SciTechDaily explains how AI technology is used to create better titles for research papers. The same algorithms can be repurposed to create great titles for videos as well.

Use AI to create higher quality videos

Strategizing matters but so does the presentation. If you spend hours and hours on creating the strategy to shoot the video and do not spend enough time on creating one, it will reflect poorly on your brand image. A poor-quality video could mean:

  • It has unclear sound 
  • It is shot by an unsteady camera
  • Video has dull lighting 
  • Poor content

A good video has quality content and good video production. A high-quality production video does not mean it needs to be shot on expensive equipment. However, you need to make sure the video is of acceptable quality so that it doesn’t ruin your brand image in any way.

A poor video doesn’t simply affect the quality of your content, but a viewer may lose interest if the video lacks clarity (in terms of viewing experience). As per a survey conducted by Conviva, only 25% of viewers go beyond four minutes if your video is of poor quality. This is why it is important to create high-quality videos for small businesses and established ones.

It is worthy to note that video quality will set a standard for your brand, especially if you are a small business. Viewers will look forward to your videos if they find them valuable and of high quality. 

The good news is that AI technology can help create significantly better videos. There are a lot of free AI video editing applications that are worth exploring. They help you use AI to get the best quality videos possible.

Do not give everything to the viewer

If a video title shows the whole picture to the viewer, then why would he/she put in the effort to watch it? Not giving everything to the viewer simply means that you should try to leave some aspects of the video to the viewer’s imagination. You can do so by

  • Launching a teaser video of the product 
  • Keeping questions as video titles 
  • Asking viewers for their opinion on your service 
  • Asking viewers for their feedback 
  • Making viewers ask you questions about your brand

For example–if your video is about a product, do not reveal everything about it. Perhaps you could show the features of the product in the video in a creative way and ask the viewers to guess the product in the comments section. This will not only leave a viewer in anticipation but will also increase engagement on the post.

After all, human beings are all for mysteries! 

Use AI to optimize the length of the video

Ever watched a video that made you bored to tears? Perhaps the video was too long to watch, or the content got too boring to consume after a while. Whatever the reason might be, a viewer making a choice to drop your video a few seconds in is the last thing you want. 

There is already too much information overload on the internet today. Whether online or offline, we are constantly bombarded with information day in and out. You don’t want your video to do that. You can avoid doing so by following the below-mentioned points: 

Give only the required information

As mentioned in point number 3 of the article, leaving viewers in anticipation is one of the best ways to make the video interesting and keep it to the point. 

Share content in bits and pieces 

Well, let’s say you have a lot of information to share. In such a scenario, choosing to create different videos to convey the information is better than giving everything to the viewer in a single video. Sharing information in bits and pieces will do two things for you:

  • It will increase the number of videos you post on the channel 
  • Viewers will not get overwhelmed with too much information at a time 

You can use the Instagram reels feature or TikTok to achieve this wherein you can post multiple videos of less duration and keep the viewers interested. 

While the fact that the attention span has decreased still stands true, it doesn’t mean you should totally ban creating long-form videos. 

As seen in the graph above, Instagram has opened up to long-form videos since 54% per cent of viewers choose to watch them. There is a different target audience that prefers watching lengthy videos. If your story requires you to create a lengthy video, then surely go for it. However, make sure that the video is engaging enough for the viewer throughout.

Don’t choose the wrong platform

As seen in the image above, while choosing a social media platform for vidoes, you should ask three questions:

  • Who is your target audience?
  • How can you reach them?
  • What do you want to achieve?

If you are clear on these things, you will likely end up choosing the right platform for your videos.

For instance–you are a fitness brand and your target audience is youngsters. Now, if you create videos and post on LinkedIn, do you think it will give you any engagement? Most likely not since LinkedIn is a platform to build professional networks. This is why you need to know the user base for each social media platform and upload videos accordingly. 

AI technology can help immensely when it comes to optimizing your videos. You can aggregate engagement data from other video marketing campaigns to figure out which will perform the best. This will help you use data to optimize your videos and remove unnecessary content and create higher quality videos.

Take advantage of AI technology to create the best performing video marketing campaigns

AI technology has become very valuable for marketers. Video marketers, in particular, have taken advantage of the benefits of artificial intelligence.

Always remember–if there’s anything worse than not creating a video, is creating a bad video. A bad video could mean different things. If your video doesn’t target the right audience, it is shot poorly or SEO practices are not taken into account while creating it. These things can highly affect your brand’s reputation.

As we know, there is no one-size-fits-all rule applicable when it comes to video marketing. The points mentioned in the article are generic and some may not stand true for a particular business. So it is important to consider your business requirements before creating a video marketing campaign.

However, if used correctly, a solid video marketing campaign can outrank your competitors! AI technology will help you get there!

The post 5 Important Ways to Use AI in Video Marketing Campaigns appeared first on SmartData Collective.

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